Depending on the type of group ride and other variables, Charleston H.O.G. may sometimes try to limit the size of a group to 15 bikes for safety reasons. If there are more than 15 bikes and we have chosen to break up into smaller groups, we will line up in two or more columns as indicated in columns A, B, & C in the picture to the right. Column A will depart first. A few minutes later column B will leave and then column C.
If you want to ride with friends, you must all be in the same column. If you are in different columns, you will not ride in the same group.
You should talk to one of the leaders and learn the route and destination of your ride. In the unlikely event that you get separated from the group, all will not be lost and you can catch up or meet the group at the destination.
- Be prepared to ride at the specified departure time with a full tank of gas and an empty bladder.
- If you have special needs or concerns be sure to tell the leader of your group. Lesser experienced riders should be at the FRONT of the group behind the group leader, NOT at the BACK. The back of the group is constantly exposed to a slinky or whiplash effect and is most likely to be separated from the group at intersections.
- If you plan on dropping out during the ride, PLEASE tell the group leader. It is inconsiderate to the whole group if they have to look for you, only to find out that you went home.